Applied Psycology
The Department of Psychology was established in the year 1999, as an undergraduate department. Since, its inception the Department has played an important role in nurturing the talents of the students. M.Sc Applied Psychology is being offered from 2021.
- To enable students to acquire deeper knowledge of psychology, understand the intricacies of human development and behaviour, appreciate the social dimension and cultural aspects of behaviour and develop themselves personally and professionally.
- To cultivate empathy and sensitivity towards psychological aspects in dealing with every day issues and gain theoretical and practical knowledge in emerging fields in psychology.
- To familiarize the students with applications of psychological principles in different applied areas of Psychology.
- To prepare students for professional fields of psychology in general and, specifically, in the field of Counselling Psychology.
- To familiarize students with research methods within their scientific field
- MPhil Clinical Psychology
- PhD
- PsyD
- B.Ed.
- Civil Services
- Students can opt to work in hospitals, clinics, de-addiction centres, corporate companies, schools, colleges, special schools and therapy centres.
- The Placement cell of the college offers 100% placement to all those who are interested in working after completion of the course.
The laboratory is equipped with high quality equipment such as Bhatia’s Battery of Performance Test of Intelligence, Bender Gestalt Test, NEO Personality Inventory, Seguin Form Board, Ergograph, Raven’s Progressive Matrices, Tachistoscope, Mirror Drawing Apparatus, Multi-Dimensional Health Profile, MBTI to name a few.
The central library has around 800 books and three journals and the department library has over 280 books and 400 project reports which are issued to students for reference.
The Department organizes several activities outside the classroom to motivate students and encourages them to hone their skills. It also believes in exposing them to lectures from a variety of resource persons.
- A National Seminar on “TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT- COLLECTIVE DIMENSIONS” was organized on 20-01-2023 The resource persons were Mr.Firthouse Shibly, Director Office of strategic planning, Southeaster university of Srilanka, Dr. Vasuki Mathivanan, career counsellor , Dr.Vijayabanu, Assistant Professor, Jain University, Bangalore Juhi Pandey, Consultant corporate psychologist, Dr.Geetha Muthusamy, Senior lecturer of marketing, university Technology, Malaysia Mr Rumesh Shankar, Leadership coach, Chennai.
- One day workshop on “EARLY IDENTIFICATION AND INTERVENTION IN SPECIAL NEEDS REHABILITATION” was held on 03.12.2022. The resource person was Ms. Lalitha Sridhar, Founder-Director, Sahay India.
- A guest lecture on “POSTPARTUM DEPRESSION” was held on 26.07.2022. The resource person was Ms.Komal Palicha, Mental health facilitator and an Author.
- A Guest lecture on “HYPNOSIS” was conducted on 08.08.2022. Mr. Siva Kumar, Psychologist and Hypnotherapist was the speaker of the day.

- A guest lecture was conducted on “ADDICTION MANAGEMENT” by Ms. Mary Helen, Counsellor, TTK hospital, on 28.10.2022.
- A guest lecture was conducted on “NEURODEVELOPMENTAL ISSUES IN SLEEP DISORDERS” by Ms. Alankritha, Consultant Child psychologist, MGM hospital on 24.03.2023.
The students of the Department visited the following organizations for internship
NIPMED, Tamilnadu
2.Tiny Todds, Chennai
3.Revamp Hospital
4.SCARF, India
The students visited Mysore for an Institutional Visit from 03.04.2023 to 05.04.2023. The students visited Government Ayurvedic Hi-Tech Panchakarma hospital and learnt about various treatments given to the patients.

Student Achievements
1.Shahira Thaslim .N from I UG Chennai Counselors Foundation As A Part Of "WORLD MENTAL HEALTH DAY CELEBRATION 2022” At Stella Maris College ON 20/10/2022Won 3rd place for poster making.

2.Pavithra K from II PG participated in the international conference in IIT Madras research park.

- Dr. Ragitha Radhakrishnan, Assistant Professor, presented a paper in the international conference on the topic – “Theory of mind and social desirability” among students in regular and inclusive schools in Kerala and Tamilnadu in APSPA Iternational Conference on 15-16 march 2022 and won G. P Thakur Best Paper Award
- Dr. Ragitha Radhakrishnan, Assistant Professor, won Best Paper Award in 'National Conference on Autism and it's Intervention strategies' held by HAMSA Rehab on April 28th, 2023, at Chennai.
- Dr. Ragitha Radhakrishnan, Assistant Professor, presented a paper in 1st International Conference on “Positive Psychology” by NPPA 2023 on the topic Perceived Stress & Emotional Regulation among Female College Teachers in Tamil Nadu
- Dr. Ragitha Radhakrishnan, Assistant Professor, presented a paper in international peace and security issues on 17th and 18th oct 2022 on the topic applying Gandhi thoughts in context of “Current international crisis on humanization of modern international law”
- Dr. Ragitha Radhakrishnan, Assistant Professor, presented a paper in the National seminar on “Superstitious Attitude and Exercise Self-Regulation among Female College Students” 12th April 2023
- Dr. Ragitha Radhakrishnan, Assistant Professor, presented a paper in National seminar on Relation between “Parenting Style and Subjective Well-being among Emerging Adults” in Chennai
- Ms. Datchyaayne.N, Assistant Professor, attended the following conferences
1.Tamilnadu largest Psychology conference on “Modern therapies” on 30th July 2022 at IIT madras conducted by 3G school of Applied Psychology.
2. “AUTISCON 2022” organized by Om chaitanya therapy center on 1st December 2022.
3.“Music Therapy” conference organized by Indian Music therapy association from December 3-5 2022
4.Participated in 1 week FDP on “Mentoring and Teaching Pedagogy for Classroom Delivery Enhancement” from 23rd August to 30th August organized by Sri Sairam engineering college.
- Dr. Ragitha Radhakrishnan, Assistant Professor, attended the following conferences
1.International conference mental health a holistic approach MSSW from 6th to 8th feb workshop SEM AND CFA USINF AMOS From march 18,19 and 20th 2023
3.National seminar- Relation between Parenting Style and Subjective Well-being among Emerging Adults in Chennai
4.National seminar-Perception of Parenting and Self-esteem among Emerging Adults in Chennai
- Dr. Ragitha Radhakrishnan, Assistant Professor, was a resource person Seminar on emotional intelligence served as a resource person conducted by patrician college of arts and science
- Ms. Datchyaayne.N, Assistant Professor, attended the following Faculty Development Programs on “Mentoring and Teaching Pedagogy for Classroom Delivery Enhancement” from 23rd August to 30th August organized by Sri Sairam engineering college.